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Race to Confindustria: stop wise, decides Rome

Confindustria: stop, decides Rome.

The consultations are currently suspended: on Tuesday by the summit to decide on the commission.

Presidential candidates are increasing, after Roberto Fatano (Interfrutta Spa) and Giampiero Corvaglia (Axa srl), marks a third name at the race: Giulio Ferrieri Caputi, entrepreneur and pharmacist of Carmiano.

The entrepreneur is also the holder of a radiological study and rehabilitation facilities between his country and Lecce.

He was also an adviser with a proxy to Healthcare until September 15th, and current administrator of Orto Kinesis srl.

Ferrieri Caputi is available to accept the challenge and believes in a return to the dialogue between all sections. He is convinced that it can be done better and that dialogue can avoid many minor misunderstandings.