Category Archive For "Other"
“A new territorial Welfare for the “changing company”: update seminar for the Surace Group
The Surace Group, always caring in terms of updating and attentive to the optimal functioning of own reality, will participate this afternoon at “A new territorial Welfare for the changing company” seminar at the President Hotel in Lecce, organized by Confindustria and Ubi Banca, in collaboration with the Order Of Employment Consultants in Lecce. The …
CMFS and Sport: Dr. Balena was the physiotherapist in the final of the National tournament of the Federal Territorial Centers
On June 9th and 10th 2018 at Coverciano, CMFS made available its expertise to young players: Dr. Davide Balena, muscle-physiotherapist at the Surace Medical and Physiotherapy Centre, concluded his experience as physiotherapist designated for the final phase of the First National Tournament of the Federal Territorial Centers. The Federation, through the Youth and Scholastic …
The listing on AIM ITALIA market as a tool to support the development of PMI
Today, Friday 26th May, was held at the social office of Confindustria in Fornari Street in Lecce, a meeting on “The listing on AIM ITALIA market as a tool to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses”. Confindustria Lecce, Borsa Italiana, Emintad, KPMG and LCA Studio Legale have promoted the event to support the …
Confindustria and banks together with entrepreneurship support
Confindustria Lecce reached in the morning an agreement with some banks in the area as Banca Popolare Pugliese, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Unicredit and then Banca Nazionale del lavoro, Banca Sella and Ubi banca, with the aim of bringing the business world closer to the banking one, so that lenders become real business partners. …
Confindustria meets the President of the Council Matteo Renzi
Confindustria Lecce met in the prefecture the President of the Council Matteo Renzi to submit to his attention the critical issues that affect and continue to delay the development of the territory and the local production system. President Giancarlo Negro and other delegated entrepreneurs have highlighted the priorities for intervention on the territory, addressing issues …