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Agreement between public and private health in favor of citizens

Private and public health together for the best of citizens. For the first time the two parties “shake hands” and sign an agreement that  confirms private structures guarantee  the essential services to the critically sick patients during the  strikes.

The document is endorsed by AUSL of Salento and Health section of Confindustria, and specifically refers to all the associate laboratories starting from October 2013. Dr. Aldo Mellone, Director of the health Department is satisfied and highlights the precious cooperation of the private sector, that even if not legally obliged, decide to assure laboratory tests during the strikes expressing a sense of responsibility that distinguishes Salento.

“A historical step forward – said Dr. Piernicola Leone De Castris, President of Confindustria – who witnesses for the first time a productive dialogue between private and public health” that “hopefully – continues Dr. Filippo Surace, President of Confindustria sanità – shall continue, finally changing the relationship between the two parties in a more constructive way, in the name of maintaining continuity in providing services, to promote new models and rules in health organization.”

source: lecceprima