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Innova Onlus supports the Italian Foundation for the fight against Neuroblastoma

Innova Onlus, from this year on, supports the Italian Foundation for the fight against Neuroblastoma, with its donations. ONLUS, born in 1998 at the Istituto G. Gaslini in Genoa, has already provided a total of € 20,000,000 for scientific research by funding studies at Italian reference centers of excellence and by supporting contracts for 30 researchers.

Neuroblastoma and Cerebral Tumors are serious chidlhood tumor forms due to illnesses that happened during the preschool age.

It is considered by the scientific world as an excellent study model given the peculiarity of its biological characteristics that justify the definition of “tumor set”. Thanks to this, possible results on neuroblastoma may extend to all pediatric oncology pathologies and also to certain adult forms.