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Tecartherapy, the auto regeneration therapy of tissues and muscles

The cure of the body through our own inner energies and the natural auto-regeneration mechanisms of tissues and muscles. This is the principle on which tecartherapy is based on. Dr. Gianfranco Surace, Scientific director of CMFS observes how tecartherapy can offer fast and tangible solutions to surgical recovery and orthopedic post surgery or fractures – for a fast regain of mobility and reactivation of muscular tone, but also in curing the mostly diffused pathologies depending on the osteomuscular apparatus.

Using the principle of tecartherapy, the Diatermia Pharon produces in the organism the reactivation of natural remedy and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, with no external projection of energy, through the alternate movement of electric charges, in the form of ions. It operates thanks to different kinds of plates-electrodes of various sizes that produce a light heat on the part being treated, in sessions that go from twenty to thirty minutes. All this reduces recovery time, with a natural analgesic sedative action that regenerates tissues and the vasomotor system. Moreover it also has a preventive and relaxing function able to improve muscular efficiency and reduce traumatic events.