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Confindustria Lecce meets candidates for the regional presidency

At the upcoming regional elections, Confindustria Lecce will meet candidates and will present a document prepared by the Presidency with the input of Section Presidents, containing the priorities and proposals to the benefit of entrepreneurship and the economic and social growth of the territory. The relationship with the Institutions is of fundamental importance for a representative association such as Confindustria Lecce, which among its social aims also includes the promotion and the protection of business activity in the market and respect all territorial subjects.

It is therefore appropriate for the forthcoming elections, give rise to a confrontation with the candidates for the post of President of the Puglia region, in order to understand the idea of developing them.

The appointments during which will meet the candidates are:

ANTONELLA LARICCHIA, candidate for the Movimento 5 Stelle, Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5 pm

FRANCESCO SCHITTULLI, candidate for Ncd-Ap Fratelli d’Italia and Raffaele Fitto, Friday, May 22, 2015 at 5 pm

ADRIANA POLIBORTONE, candidate for Forza Italia and Noi con Salvini, Monday, May 25, 2015 at 5.00 pm

MICHELE EMILIANO, Pd candidate, Emiliano sindaco di Puglia, Puglia con Emiliano, Noi a Sinistra, Popolari, Popolari per l’Italia, Pensionati, Pdci, waiting for a date definition.